How to control PCOS naturally?

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is an endocrine disorder that increases androgen (a male hormone) in the body. It can be genetic or environmental and can cause obesity, irregular menstrual cycle, ovarian cysts, acne, facial hair growth, and problems in conceiving a child. 

Pcos hair growth is the primary cause. Home remedies for PCOS are effective, but no one-for-all treatment is available. It can be treated with a good diet, exercise, yoga, nutritional supplements, and other traditional Indian therapies. Let’s see the control measures in brief:

Weight loss:

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for controlling PCOS symptoms. Losing a few inches of body weight may help relieve PCOS symptoms, and lifestyle changes such as eating a balanced diet and getting more physical activity can help with Losing weight will lower your risk of developing health issues.

Diet changes:

The most important details in this text are that people with PCOS tend to have higher insulin levels, a hormone that the body uses to lower high blood sugar. This is known as insulin resistance, and it can make maintaining a healthy weight difficult. To help stabilize blood sugar levels and keep insulin levels low, it is essential to eliminate simple carbohydrates and sugar from the diet.

Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, whole-wheat bread and pasta, and brown rice, contain fiber and other nutrients and do not raise blood sugar levels as high. The best diet for someone with PCOS would comprise complex carbs, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins.


Exercise is essential for weight loss, heart health, mood, and sleep. It can help lower insulin levels, keep blood sugar low, improve mood, and regulate sleep patterns. It can also be enjoyable, such as taking up a fun sport or activity. By doing exercise regularly, Pcos permanent cure is quite possible.


Nutritional supplements can help control PCOS symptoms, but they are not regulated by the FDA and may interfere with medications or medical conditions. Researchers considered omega-3 fish oil, chromium selenium, vitamin D plus calcium, vitamin B complex, inositol, and found no evidence of effectiveness or safety. However, low-quality evidence suggests they may benefit people with PCOS in some ways.

Herbal products:

Natural, herbal supplements are popular among people with PCOS, with Vitex agnus-castus and Cimicifuga racemosa being most effective in managing irregular ovulation and infertility. Cinnamomum cassia may help treat metabolic complications.


CBD oil is being used to treat PCOS, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant. Research into its health benefits is still in its infancy, but early research has shown it may help with anxiety and insomnia.


Researchers have linked alterations in the gut environment, or microbiome, too many diseases, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Probiotic supplements have been found to reverse symptoms of PCOS in rats, but further research is needed. Doctors consider probiotics safe.

Wrap it up:

PCOS is a complex syndrome with no cure, but treatments can manage symptoms and complications. People with PCOS should communicate with their doctors to ensure their concerns are addressed. 

Pcos permanent cure can be possible if you undergo homeopathy treatment and by practicing these home remedies.


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