Heard of Robot Dogs? Here Are The Bests You Can Opt for?

If you want to welcome a dog into your home without the responsibilities and inconvenience involved with a real dog, the dog robot is for you. It can provide hours of companionship and fun for children and adults alike, as long as you find the one that best suits its owner. How to select the best robot dog given the wide range of products available on the market? You will not find the perfect robot in absolute terms, you will have to choose the one that most closely matches your needs and requirements, or what the person who will receive it expects.

Already overwhelmed by the amount of choices available? Well you’ve come to the right place. Test items in real, everyday situations, consult with experts and collect reviews from customers who already own these products. We’ve compiled all of this information in the guide that follows. To learn everything you need to know about robot dogs just like jeff bezos dog, read on.

How to Choose Your Robot Dog?

What age group would you like to make your purchase for? Most robot dogs are designed for one of these three age categories: toddlers (2 to 5 years old), children (from 6 years old) and adults and the elderly. Those intended for toddlers are generally quite simple and operate with a remote control: they are more activity toys than real robots. For children 6 years and older, the robot will already be more complex, usually able to learn tricks and respond to voice commands. The models created for adults are realistic, even in the sounds emitted, react to touch and to the voice, sometimes even going so far as to have a heartbeat.

Do You Want To Train Your Robot Dog?

If you buy it for a kid who would love to have a real dog, they will surely want a robot dog that they can train. The most sophisticated models gradually learn to respond to commands such as “bark”, “run” or “jump”.

What Level Of Interactivity Do You Want To Have?

Some models are more interactive than others. The more sophisticated can react to your voice, learn your commands, follow you or watch you move. They are even able to react when you stroke them. The simplest items don’t really interact, like toys that operate with a remote control.

How Much Are You Willing To Spend?

You will also need to take your budget into account. The most basic dog robot models can cost as little as $ 10-20, while products with the most sophisticated features can sell for $ 100-200.

The Characteristics to Take Into Account


Some robot dogs have sensors that allow them to explore the environment without hitting walls or other obstacles.


You can find very realistic robot dogs with fur, reacting to touch and the sound of voices, but also futuristic models that move away from the image we can have of a dog.


They do not all have the same resistance to time. The cheaper models are less robust and have a shorter life expectancy.


Some robot dogs are only controlled by a remote control while others are able to execute loud commands and can react to touch.


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