Broken teeth and my new porcelain veneers

Do you know what is my biggest fear? Well, it is having a broken tooth and being obliged to give a speech in front of my students at the University. It is really embarrassing, not only because of the look and appearance but also because I won’t be able to talk normally. A broken tooth can affect the way you talk, and that is another reason for being embarrassed when you are a university teacher.

2 months ago, I got my front tooth broken while eating some nuts, and I had a lecture the next day at the university, so I got worried a lot, and I decided to postpone my lecture and go to see my doctor in Novomed in Dubai. I couldn’t imagine myself standing in front of my students with a broken front tooth, I was sure they will make fun of me.

So the next day, I called the university management, asked for sick leave, and then went to see my dentist in dubai Novomed Center. He asked me about the problem and I showed him my tooth. He was surprised at how it was broken and told me that the best choice to fix it is the veneers.

I asked him, what is the veneer? He explained that it is a thin laminate made of porcelain, easy to fix on teeth to protect or fix them. And he told me that in my case, the veneer will cover the broken tooth and protect it from being broken again. So I agreed immediately, and he took my impressions and told me that he will send them to the lab to prepare the veneer, and then he will call me to pass by so he can fix the veneer on my tooth.

Meanwhile, I called the university to take 2 more days off, before the weekend. On Saturday, the dentist called me to inform me that the veneer is ready, and I can pass by him anytime I want, so I went to Novomed directly and he fixed the veneer on my broken tooth. I was grateful that things went well and quickly because I can’t take more days off from university. I got back on Monday to teach normally, and I am no longer feeling embarrassed. I would like to recommend Novomed for anyone looking to get veneers in dubai.



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